Route map

The map of the 100 Bridges Run with the complete running route (subject to change). Please note: a number of bridges are only open during the 100 Bridges Run. You cannot walk this route completely on your own.
In 2024 all walkers on saturday start and finish at the Garenmarkt. All runners on sunday start and finish at the Vismarkt.

The shorter walks/runs (12 and 8 km) both have a shortcut in the full walk/run. For the 12 km that is at bridge nr 18, for the 8 km it is at bridge nr 7. Both shortcuts are described in the route booklets.
On this map you can also see where you can expect the care stations (VP).

Route map

The 100 Bridges Run takes you past the most beautiful places in the historic city center of Leiden. In 2024 start and finish are at the Garenmarkt for the hikers on saturday September 21st. Start and finish for the runners on sundag September 22nd are at the Vismarkt, the place where Leiden originated around 1200, on the banks of the river Rhine.
In the description below we speak of runners. All distances however can be run (sunday) and walked (saturday).




Loop 1: Academy District

The 19,5 kilometer runners first go over the historical corn bridge along the Rhine  to the Van der Werf Park. Then to the beautiful Hortus Botanicus where a number of bridges will be opened especially for the 100 Bridges Run (the 8 km run will have a shortcut before entering the Hortus Botanicus). Through the picturesque Doelengracht and Groenhazengracht (at this point the 12 km run will have a shortcut) we arrive at the Rapenburg. Here are the oldest buildings from the Leiden University, which is the oldest university of Holland. Passing the Nieuwsteegbrug we enter the oldest part of the inner city. We run among others things along the Pieterskerk/Saint Peter’s Church. Then we return to the Rhine where the new Catharina Bridge will take us to the second part of the run.

Loop 2: Northern city moat

Following the Rhine in the left direction we pass the Blauwpoortsbrug and the Morspoort towards the Northern city moat. We run past the Valk Mill, the Slachthuispark (where used to be the slaughterhouse) and the Nieuw Leyden District with special architecture houses. Through the Oude Vest we turn  into the direction of the city centre, to the Cultural District and the historic harbour along the Galgewater. We pass the striking Rembrandtbridge to the Rembrandtpark.

Loop 3: Southern city moat

At this point of the run the 12 km runners will join us again. Through the Rijn en Schiekade we go to the Jan van Goyenkade en the Wittesingel. Of course we will pass the famous Vlietbrug, the well known bridge where the Water Beggars entered Leiden on October 3rd 1574. They brought hering and whitebread for the starving population. At this point the 8 km runners will join us too, we are all together again. This is a beautiful area in Leiden and following the Zoeterwoudsesingel we come at the nursing home Lorentzhof where we enter the Professorenwijk. After a number of bridges we return to the moat and we enter the Plantsoen, a leafy English citypark. By passing the steepy Hapynionbridge we will enter the fourth and last part of the 100 Bridges Run.

Loop 4: Harbor district

We save most bridges for last, in loop 4: the Havenwijk (harbor district). Over a maze of canals you pass another 31 bridges. You walk along the harbor, through a number of beautiful new parts of the Singelpark and along the Herengracht. At the imposing, newly under development Flour Factory you have the feeling that you are running the New York marathon through Manhattan. Finally you arrive at the last, oldest and steepest bridge with a final sprint: the Visbrug over the Nieuwe Rijn.



The runners of the 12 km run will start in the same direction as the 19,5 km run. After bridge nr 19 there will be a shortcut and the runners will go to the left instead of straight ahead. This is in the loop Academy District. At the start of the loop Southern city moat you will join the 19,5 km run again and follow the way until the finish.




The runners from the 8 km run will start in the same direction as the 19,5 km run. After bridge nr 7 they will split up and follow the direction of bridge nr 60, the Vlietbrug. From that point they will follow the same run and join the other distances runners until the finish. 


Other information


To take into account when choosing a shoe: you walk on gravel, shell paths, brick, cobblestones, wood, concrete and asphalt. And if you’re going to cut corners: over grass.

The course of our trail run has many very steep bridges, bridges with steps and narrow paths. That is why the 100 Bridges Run is unfortunately not suitable for the disabled.



Here is a video of the complete running route in Relive.

Download GPX

PLEASE NOTE: some bridges are only open during the 100 Bridge Run. You can therefore not complete this route at other times of the year.

Below you can view the course of the route and you can also download the route in GPX or KML.

100bruggenloop © 2025. All rights reserved. Photos: Geralda Odinot, Jaap Leijenaar. Website design: Maters & Hermsen