Unique run over 100 bridges
The 100 Bridges Run takes you across a hundred (100!) bridges right through the historic city center of Leiden, The Netherlands.
You will run over ancient stone arch bridges and brand new Singelpark bridges, over drawbridges and stair bridges, roller bascule bridges and swing bridges. Over narrow bridges less than a meter wide, over steep bridges over 4 meters high. From the Nieuwe Rijn to the Oude Rijn, from the Korte to the Lange Mare, from the Morssingel to the Zijlsingel.
While walking over and along Leiden’s canals, rivers and moats, you will pass by the city in all its glory. Museums, monuments, mills, city gates, old factories, old and new parks, Hortus Botanicus, Academy quarter, cultural quarter, Nieuw Leyden. And those 100 bridges. A unique walk also for your calves, which will go up and down a bridge a hundred times.
For runners and walkers
Hikers are most welcome on Saturday September 24. Runners can choose from 19 kilometers (100 bridges) or the shorter variant of 10 kilometers (52 bridges) on Sunday morning September 25.
Cross the bridge and register now for the first official edition of the 100 Bridges Run!
The organizers

As a resident of Leiden, Jeroen Maters devised the Singelpark, a new six-kilometer-long park over the historic ramparts of his city.
Since the opening of five new pedestrian bridges in September 2020, many residents and visitors have now walked the ‘Singelpark’ round. “How many bridges are there actually in Leiden?”, Jeroen wondered.
He added the new Singelpark bridges to 116 bridges in and around the city center. “How cool! Never knew there were so many!” In an overconfident mood, he decided to run over them all. It gave him a week of muscle pain, a satisfied feeling and a great idea: “This should become an official event, so that everyone can experience our city in the best possible way: walking and running along and over our canals.”
A trial in September 2021 yielded many positive reactions from the participants. Two years later, the time has come: the first official 100 Bridges Run is on its way.

Frank van Leeuwen is an event organizer in Leiden. In addition to various cultural events, his Prokwadraat also organizes the LadiesWalk and the Singelbier Walk. “I have already been able to organize quite a few beautiful things. But a course of 19 kilometers, crisscrossing the city center, over 100 bridges, that is really a serious organizational and logistical challenge.”
The walking tour on Saturday and the run on Sunday each have their own atmosphere. “On Saturday the participants start in the middle of the bustle of the Leiden market. Early Sunday morning is perhaps the most beautiful time of the week, when the city slowly awakens.
The city center is pristinely quiet. You hear little more than the birds and the sound of your footsteps that reverberate against the monumental facades on the canals. That’s why you don’t hear pumping beats at the start with us. We want everyone to experience our beautiful city in the best possible way.”

Friends of the Singelpark
Thanks to the five new Singelpark bridges – you will come across them all along the way – the idea for the 100 Bridges Run was born.
It is therefore only logical that we donate one euro of your registration fee to the Friends of the Singelpark this first edition.
This volunteer organization of enthusiastic Leiden residents is active in construction, maintenance, management, programming, fundraising and communication for the six-kilometer-long new park around the city center.
With the money, the Friends can manage and maintain the greenery at an even higher level and organize cultural events for residents and visitors.
Part of our route takes you along the walking paths of the Singelpark, so you can see it with your own eyes.
Volunteers wanted
Would you like to lend a hand to make the 100 Bridges Run a success? That would be great! We can really use your help to show Leiden from its best side and to provide all participants (and you) with an unforgettable event. Both in preparation and on the day itself, we are looking for volunteers for:
- Register participants
- Manning the wardrobe
- Hang signage
- Indicate route direction
- Tap water at care stations
- Photographing and filming

Alle vrijwilligers krijgen van ons een gezamenlijk ontbijt, een 100 Bruggenloopshirt en een vrijwilligersgroepsfoto. Maatschappelijke organisaties (bv scouting, sportclubs, buurtverenigingen) die minimaal 10 vrijwilligers aandragen, waarderen we met een bijdrage voor de clubkas.
Meld je hier aan als vrijwilliger. Of stuur een mail naar info@100bruggenloop als je als organisatie meerdere vrijwilligers wilt aandragen.
Do you want to report on the 100 Bridges Run? Nice! Please contact info@100bruggenloop.nl and we can advise and assist you (arrival times, archive images, admission tickets, etc.).
In the media
Sleutelstad: Try-out 100 Bruggenloop geslaagd:’Volgend jaar voor het echie’
Leidsch Dagblad: Kuiten zeggen ’nee’ na honderd bruggen in hartje Leiden, maar monden melden: ’Dit moet een echte loop worden’
Leidsch Dagblad: Nieuw evenement ’100 bruggenloop’ aangekondigd, door centrum van Leiden
Sleutelstad: Leiden krijgt mogelijk een 100 Bruggenloop
YouTube: 100bruggenloop Leiden