The 100 Bridges Run takes you past the most beautiful places in the historic city center of Leiden. Start and finish are at the Vismarkt, the place where Leiden originated around 1200, on the banks of the river Rhine.
Loop 1: Academy district
From the Nieuwe Rijn with its well known Koornbeurs Brug we walk through the Van der Werfpark tot the beautiful Hortus Botanicus, where 4 bridges have been opened especially for the 100 Bridges Run. We walk through the picturesque Doelengracht and Groenhazengracht and thereafter we walk to and along the famous Rapenburg. This is the oldest and most beautiful canal of Leiden. Having passed the Nieuwsteegbrug we enter the ancient part of the city with among all the beauty the Pieterskerk. Then we walk back to the Nieuwe Rijn where we start the second part of the tour by passing the brand new Catharinabrug.
Loop 2: Northern moats
Through the Rijn, the Blauwpoortsbrug and the Morspoort we wlk towards the northern moats. We pass by Molen de Valk, the Slaughterhousepark and the Nieuw Leyden district with many houses built in special architecture. Through the Oude Vest we turn back towards the citycenter. By passing the Cultural Quarter we walk tot the historic harbour at the Galgenwater. After the striking Rembrandtbrug (bridge number 50) the 12 km hikers turn to the left to the finish at the Vismarkt. The 19,5 km hikers turn to the right into the Rembrandtpark.
Loop 3: Southern moats
The third part – for 19,5 km hikers – goes through the Rijn en Schiekade to the Jan van Goyenkade and the Witte singel. A beautiful and peaceful part of the city. Arriving at the Zoeterwoudsesingel we turn right to the Lorentzhof. We walk a part of the Professorenwijk with the intention of returning to the well known Plantsoen, a leafy British landscape park. When we arrive at the Hapynionbrug, the newest and highest bridge of all 100, we are at the last part of the tour
Loop 4: Harbor district
We save most bridges for last, in loop 4: the Havenwijk (harbor district). Over a maze of canals you pass another 31 bridges. You walk along the harbor, through a number of beautiful new parts of the Singelpark and along the Herengracht. At the imposing Flour Factory you have the feeling that you are running the New York marathon through Manhattan. Finally you arrive at the last, oldest and steepest bridge with a final sprint: the Visbrug over the Nieuwe Rij
The runners who run the 10 kilometers will go upstream via the Rhine from the Vismarkt to bridge number 48, the Groenebrug at the Van der Werffpark, and will join the route of loops 3 (Academiewijk) and 4 (Havenwijk). So you go up and down 52 bridges and you walk largely through the heart of the car-free historic city center.
Hikers walk on their own on Saturdays. You can start between 8 and 10 am. You can determine your distance and the number of bridges you want to walk. For example one or two of the above loops. Each loop (northern moat, southern moat, Academiewijk, Havenwijk) is approximately 5 kilometers, with approximately 25 bridges. The challenge, of course, is to do all 100 and walk the full 21 kilometers. Slightly longer than the running route, because we have added one extra highlight to the route: the beautiful Groenesteeg Cemetery, the place where the dignitaries of Leiden were buried until 50 years ago. The main challenge of the walking tour: don’t succumb too often to the many cozy terraces that you come across along the way.
Other information
To take into account when choosing a shoe: you walk on gravel, shell paths, brick, cobblestones, wood, concrete and asphalt. And if you’re going to cut corners: over grass.
The course of our trail run has many very steep bridges, bridges with steps and narrow paths. That is why the 100 Bridges Run is unfortunately not suitable for the disabled.